Jan 25, 2021
This post feels a tad more self-indulgent than most.
I saw a banner ad for a tv show called SnowPiercer. There might have been sone video to go with it. It looked ridiculous. I looked further.
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Jan 19, 2021
I wrote the following on January 19th, 2016. I feel it has aged well.
A journalist suggested writing down what you believe before the inauguration. I think the idea was that your mind might be changed by the onslaught of stupidity and propaganda that Trump brings. More so than with other politicians.
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Catching up…
My first flights were on sadly departed PanAm airlines. I've always felt nostalgic for that airline.
Jan 17, 2021
Well that was an interesting day…
Jan 7, 2021
As shocking as it was to see white supremicists, faux-nazis, and other low life Trump supporters storming the capital, it isn’t truly surprising.
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The Safety Dance
Dec 23, 2020
I would have normally posted something like this on social media.
However since I’m continuing the experiment of living life as if social media doesn’t exist, well except for Linkedin, I’m sharing this here:
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