Email Blues
Nov 25, 2020
Last week I realized I was having a pretty serious problem with email.
My business emails weren’t getting to GMail users.
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Calibrating Rain
Nov 17, 2020
I’ve always been fascinated by the rain.
I attribute this to California not having much rain, in general. Despite growing up in semi-arid conditions with lots of landscape watering, I enjoy seeing green things and water.
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Pandemic Holidays
Nov 15, 2020
Coming up on “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” feels a little like a continuation of a dark Haloween.
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Now Better With Email!
Nov 15, 2020
Last weekend I spent far too long hooking up a contact form on this site.
Most of the time was thinking I should do the whole thing myself and be all fancy and technical.
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I accidentally deleted this blog
Nov 8, 2020
I accidentally deleted this blog.
It happend quickly and caught me by surprise.