Understanding Digital Ownership
May 3, 2021
First the “Nyan Cat” meme was sold at auction for $587K.
Nyan Cat Gif - $587,241
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Parler: Only the best people…
Jan 20, 2021
I was intrigued by some of the stories around the shutdown of right-wing nazi friendly social media site Parler.
Not so much the cascading shutdown of access to the Internet. Similar fates happened to sites like The Daily Stormer and others. There’s no “free speech” issue here, of course. Private internet providers can have whatever customers they want.
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Raspberry PI as a Github ‘Runner’
Nov 2, 2020
(This article is a high level sketch.)
When setting up this static website, I wanted as easy a path as possible for getting content from my laptop to the website.
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